
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2017

Cie bukber

Ini sebenarnya caption foto instagram, dikarenakan takut kepanjangan jadi dipindahin ke blog saja ya. Btw yg mau dijadikan caption ga sepanjang ini juga sih. Jadi 12/6/2017 kemarin anak Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP Universitas Tanjungpura angkatan 2016 mengadakan acara buka bersama. Cie bukber... Anak ikom a.k.a ikomers ini bukber di salah satu restoran di jalan Johar. Fyi, buat acara bukber tu ga mudah. Pertama harus memastikan persetujuan, tanggal, tempat, prosedur pesan makanan, dan ekor-ekornya... Thanks buat koordinator Icha & Nisa. Oke setelah perdebatan panjang di grup line soal tanggal, dapatlah Senin 12 Juni. Tanggal nih yang paling diributkan, karena banyak teman-teman yang bakalan pulang kampung. Kebetulan tanggal segitu kami sedang melaksanakan UAS dan abis UAS ya libuuuuuurrrrr pannnnnnjjaaaaaaanngggg. Tanggal 12 UAS itu sebenarnya uas Psisos (psikologi sosial) tapi karena udah ujian Lisan jadi tanggal segitu kosong, besoknya 13/6 juga tinggal ttd&ngumpulin tug...

College while fasting? Not a big problem

My college time while fasting is not too fast at all, because first day of Ramadhan or fasting it was holiday. Then, it was Friday and my class has no time to get college. Then on Saturday or the first day of Ramadhan my campus is holiday. So, when Tuesday i and my family went to my father hometown, sambas. The early of Tuesday, we went there with bus at 02.00 a.m. I have to wake up early more than usually. But I had some assignments to finish my task. So I do not have time to sleep. I prepared to trip, and my trip started when the bus is going. Then, I seep away in my bus. I stayed there for three days, with no internet connection exactly because I didn’t get signal. Then I back to the Pontianak on Sunday because my parents have to go work and i back to the college on Monday. On Monday, I get good news, there is no class so I can sleep and enjoyed my holiday. Next days, I went to the campus daylight, at 1:30 p.m. and so thirsty because the weather is 33°C. On Wed...