Public Lecture by Dra.Prahastiwi Utari,M.Si,Ph.D from Sebelas Maret University
The Speaker, Dra.Prahastiwi Utari,M.Si,Ph.D from Solo. She is as a leader of magister communication study at Sebelas Maret University. Many things that she told to all audiens. Audiens not only students but also lecturers at Tanjungpura University.
Dra.Prahastiwi Utari,M.Si,Ph.D or as known as ma'am Tiwi, told about three things that communication students should have :
1. Communication students should be a extrovert type.
Extroverts tend to "fade" when alone and can easily become bored without other people around. She said that if someone type extrovert studied at communication, its right man in the right place.
2.Have a big idea that out of the box.
Creative. Communicantion students should a creative person. Have a new idea, new inovation about communication science. Then that ideas can share to each other and give benefit for many people.
3. Have a teamwork soul
As a social human being, and esspecially communication students we always met many people and should have good teamwork with them to get good impression and appraisal.
Studied at communication science, we can be who we want to be. Many chance open for communication graduate. so, be brave to try something new that can many benefit for each other. For the example, joined activity out of collages time. Organization or comunity might be good choices.
Many more that ma'am Tiwi told to audiens, including about communication theory and level of communication.
there is four level of communication
1.Interpersonal Communication
2.Group Communication
3.Mass Communication
4. Organization Communication.
Besides it, she is told about New Media too. New media for the example, social media or online media that very addicted by teenagers nowadays. So, as a communication studens we should be smart used it. Do not trust about news that can give trusted source, never trust hoax.
In the end of this event, master of ceremony gave chances to five students to ask questions to ma'am Tiwi as a speaker. Many students want to ask about it but because of limited time, this event should finish at daytime.
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