Reading Text

Three Levels of Government

There are three different levels of government in the United States: local, state and federal. Each level of government has its own elected officials who have specific jobs to do. Adult American citizens have a voice in all three levels of government. Their voice is their vote.
Local government is the level closest to the community. People in the neighborhood elect a mayor and city council members. Town meetings allow the people to bring their concerns to their elected leaders. The mayor and city council members pass laws. The laws affect the city and the people who live there.
State government is in charge of writing and enforcing laws for all the people within one state. The people of the state elect a governor and representatives who handle business for the state. Special state departments handle issues for the state. They protect the health and safety of state citizens.
The federal government is in charge of writing and enforcing laws for the people in the United States. The people of the United States elect a president, senators and representatives. These officials handle business that affects the whole country. The federal level of government is able to do some things the other levels cannot. It can print money. It can negotiate with other countries. It can declare war on another country.
Each level of government has specific officials and duties. The people entrust their power to their leaders. It is their responsibility to protect the interests and safety of the people. 

I. Reading discussion (group work)
1. How many levels of government does Indonesia have? Mention each one of them
2. How many states do the U.S have? Together with your group members, write each of the name.
3. How many provinces do Indonesia have? Make a list of the provinces in Indonesia!
4. With your group members, create a short presentation to explain about the differences between the U.S government and the Indonesia government. 


  1. Indonesia has three levels of goverment, for the example ; legislative.
  2. U.S has 50 states; 
    •  Alabama
    •  Alaska
    •  Arizona
    •  Arkansas
    •  California
    •  Colorado
    •  Connecticut
    •  Delaware
    •  Florida
    •  Georgia
    •  Hawaii
    •  Idaho
    •  Illinois
    •  Indiana
    •  Iowa
    •  Kansas
    •  Kentucky
    •  Louisiana
    •  Maine
    •  Maryland
    •  Massachusetts
    •  Michigan
    •  Minnesota
    •  Mississippi
    •  Missouri
    •  Montana
    •  Nebraska
    •  Nevada
    •  New Hampshire
    •  New Jersey
    •  New Mexico
    •  New York
    •  North Carolina
    •   North Dakota
    •  Ohio
    •  Oklahoma
    •  Oregon
    •  Pennsylvania
    •  Rhode Island
    •  South Carolina
    •  South Dakota
    •  Tennessee
    •  Texas
    •  Utah
    •  Vermont
    •  Virginia
    •  Washington
    •  West Virginia
    •  Wisconsin
    •  Wyoming

  3. Indonesia has 34 provinces, 
  • Special Region of Aceh
  • Bali
  • Bangka -Belitung Island
  • Banten
  • Bengkulu
  • Central Java
  • Central Kalimantan
  • Central Sulawesi
  • East Java
  • East Kalimantan
  • East Nusa Tenggara
  • Gorontalo
  • Jakarta Special Capital Region
  • Jambi
  • Lampung
  • Maluku
  • North Kalimantan
  • North Maluku
  • North Sulawesi
  • North Sumatra
  • Special Region of Papua
  • Riau
  • Riau Island
  • Southeast Sulawesi
  • South Kalimantan
  • South Sulawesi
  • South Sumatra
  • West Java
  • West Kalimantan
  • West Nusa Tenggara
  • West Sulawesi
  • West Sumatra
  • Special Region of Yogyakarta

4. The different between America and Indonesia Goverment, America use Federal as type of goverment, Indonesia use Republic. republic is a form of government in which the country is considered a "public matter" – not the private concern or property of the rulers – and where offices of state are elected or appointed, rather than inherited. It is a government where the head of state is not a monarch.Federal means pertaining to or of the nature of a union of states under a centralgovernment distinct from the individual governments of the separatestates, as in federal government; federal system.


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